Thursday, June 19, 2014

Way too much time has gone by since I last wrote in this blog. I don't if it would be faster to start new, or try to back all those years and catch up. The way my life has gone, it hasn't changed all that much except for my grandkids growing up and changing all the time, so I will try to keep this one up from here on. I just don't have a lot of stuff to put in her. Facebook has taken over my interest, so blogging isn't my top priority like it was at one time... sorry but the truth is the truth

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mid-January thoughts

AS the month of January is slowly creeping to an end, I have sat and reflected on all that has happened this past month in our house. Dan and I celebrated our 11th Anniversary of getting married, and then 5 days later we celebrated the 10th Anninversary of our being sealed in the Temple for all Eternity. What a wonderful blessing it is in my life to know that I have an eternal Husband and will be able to live with my Parents for Eternity also.
I am grateful to all my family, and friends, for the love that they continue to show to me. It was a hard couple of months, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my sister is doing wonderful things in Heaven and is keeping track of Mother and Dad. I know she is helping our Savior with anything he needs doing, and is smiling that contagious smile with each step she takes on her daily errands. What a blessing it is to know that. What peace it brings to my life... Now as we embark on February, I hope that our weather will start to be a little warmer, my poor little doggie wants to get outside and run so badly, but when he goes out, he hurries and does his duty and then runs back up the stairs to burrow under his blanket to get warm. He is just a fun dog for me to have at this time in my life... I love him... and I know he Loves me.
Until Next time..... LATER

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bring on the New Year.....2010

As the New Year starts, I want to just hope that all my friends and family will have a Wonderful year.
My Family is always in my thoughts, and I hope they all know how much I love each of them...

Until further comments......HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE......

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ending of the year 2009

As most of you already know... the end of 2009 is only days away.... a lot has happened this past year, and some things I will always remember, and others I will probably forget... but as for now, they are all still fresh in my mind, and so I am going to dwell on them a little.
The first wonderful thing was that our little Chloe was born to Erin and Stew. She arrived in May and has been such a wonderful addition to the family. Chloe is such a happy baby, and at this writing is sitting by herself, and is content to just sit and play with whatever she may find.
Next came Lauren's first day of school.... I can't hardly believe that she is 6 already, her birthday just falls past the deadline, so she is one on the older kids in Kindergarten...but that is okay. She seems to really like school, and is happy to be able to help the daycare lady do preschool in the mornings on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays for the little 3 and 4 year olds at day care.
Averi is still growing and still coming up with some of the darnest sayings of all times... The other night I was over to their house,and she was calling me bubble butt... I told it wasn't my name, and she instantly told me that is was my middle name.. she then started telling everyone that my name was Grandma Pat Bubble Butt ... It had us all laughing because about 15 minutes later, she couldn't remember what she had been calling me..

The next large happening of the year was in November when my Dear Sister Kathy passed away unexpectedly and very quickly. We had made plans to do lots of quilts this coming year, and she was also so excited for her new grandbaby to be born, which she was not around for. The little grandson was born however just last week, and baby and mother are doing great.

I am glad to be beginning a new year. I hope and pray that 2010 will be a year of happiness and fun.
I want my family and friends to know that I love them all... I think of them always and pray for their health and safety each day.

I can't promise that I will write in here more often this next year, as in all honesty... I am addicted to FaceBook and all that is has to offer.... like Farming

I am grateful to live in this country and have the freedoms that we have as a United Nation, and hope that our freedom will continues to be ours......

Happy New Year everyone that reads this post.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Holiday Season again

Wow...I find it hard to believe that it is the Holiday season once again. How time flies as I get older. This past 5 or 6 weeks have been very hard for me to deal with, but with time and the love I feel from my Savior Jesus Christ, I know that all will be well in due time. A time to mourn, and a time to heal is how I have looked at this past few weeks. Although the loss of my dear sister Kathy will forever be close to my mind and heart, I have to also understand that her time here on earth was over and our Savior needed here up with him to carry out the mission he had in store for her there. My love for my sister will remain strong, and I hope that her children will know of the love that I have for them. I want them to feel that they can call me anytime they might need a little support, or a question answered.
As I reflect on all the times Kathy and I have spent together these past few yaers, I smile, and am so grateful that we had that time together. I am glad that she was willing and anxious to learn how to piece quilts together, and I am so proud of her for the quilts she was able to make in the short time that she had been making them.

I hope you all have a very happy holiday season, and remember to hug the ones you love.